What is 4.1 repeating written as a fraction?

I don't know if it should be written over 100 or over 10.

We read 4.1 as four and one-tenth.

The first place after the decimal point is the tenths place.

Thank you! Could you please show your work to how you got to 1/10? It would be easier to explain to my class.

Oh I understand now. Thank you so much!


You're very welcome.

To write 4.1 repeating as a fraction, we can start by assigning a variable to represent the repeating decimal. Let's use "x" in this case.

To determine where the repetition begins, we can multiply 4.1 repeating by a power of 10 that shifts the repeating part to the left of the decimal point. Since there is one digit repeating (1), we can multiply by 10:

10x = 41.1 repeating

Next, we subtract the original number (4.1 repeating) from this expression:

10x - x = 41.1 repeating - 4.1 repeating

Simplifying the expression:

9x = 37

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 9:

9x / 9 = 37 / 9

x = 37/9

So, the fraction equivalent of 4.1 repeating is 37/9.
