Compute a new sorted list that represents the intersection

of the two given sorted lists....

To compute the intersection of two given sorted lists, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize two pointers, one for each list, pointing to the first element of each list.
2. Create an empty result list to store the intersection elements.
3. Compare the elements at the current pointers of the two lists.
- If the elements are equal, add the element to the result list and move both pointers to the next element in their respective lists.
- If the element in the first list is smaller, move the pointer of the first list to the next element.
- If the element in the second list is smaller, move the pointer of the second list to the next element.
4. Repeat step 3 until either of the lists reaches its end (i.e., the pointer reaches the last element).
5. Return the result list as the sorted intersection of the two given lists.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

def find_intersection(list1, list2):
pointer1 = 0
pointer2 = 0
result = []

while pointer1 < len(list1) and pointer2 < len(list2):
if list1[pointer1] == list2[pointer2]:
pointer1 += 1
pointer2 += 1
elif list1[pointer1] < list2[pointer2]:
pointer1 += 1
pointer2 += 1

return result

You can use this function by passing in the two sorted lists as arguments. The function will return a new sorted list representing the intersection of the two given lists.