the sum of 8.5 and a number n is a negative. what are the two facts that you can conclude about the number n?

8.5+n <0

that is one fact.

the next is

Based on the given information, we can conclude the following two facts about the number n:

1. The value of n is negative: Since the sum of 8.5 and n is negative, it implies that n must be a negative number since adding a positive number (8.5) to a negative number would result in a negative sum.

2. The absolute value of n is greater than 8.5: Since the sum of 8.5 and n is negative, it suggests that n must have a greater magnitude (or absolute value) than 8.5 since the result is negative. In other words, the value of n must be more negative than 8.5.

To find the conclusions about the number n, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up an equation based on the information given:
The sum of 8.5 and n is negative, which can be written as: 8.5 + n < 0.

Step 2: Solve the equation:
Subtracting 8.5 from both sides, we get: n < -8.5.

Now, let's analyze the conclusions we can draw from this:

Conclusion 1: The number n is less than -8.5.
Since n < -8.5, we can conclude that n is a negative number that is less than -8.5.

Conclusion 2: The number n is not equal to -8.5.
Since the sum of 8.5 and n is negative, we can deduce that n is not equal to -8.5, as if it were, the sum would be zero (8.5 + (-8.5) = 0).

Therefore, the two facts we can conclude about the number n are:
1) n is less than -8.5.
2) n is not equal to -8.5.