A certain pendulum with a 1.00 kg bob has a period of 3.50 s. What will happen to the period of the pendulum if the 1.00 kg bob is replaced by a bob with a mass of 2.00 kg? Explain your answer.

To determine what will happen to the period of the pendulum if the 1.00 kg bob is replaced by a 2.00 kg bob, we need to understand the relationship between the period and the mass of the bob.

The period of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity, as well as the mass of the bob. According to the formula for the period of a pendulum:

T = 2π * √(L/g)

T = period of the pendulum
π = pi (approximately 3.14)
L = length of the pendulum
g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²)

In this case, we are only interested in how the period will change when the mass of the bob is changed from 1.00 kg to 2.00 kg.

The period of a pendulum does not depend on the mass of the bob. This is known as the "isochronism" of pendulums. This means that if we replace the 1.00 kg bob with a 2.00 kg bob, the period of the pendulum will remain the same, assuming the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity remain constant.

Therefore, replacing the 1.00 kg bob with a bob of mass 2.00 kg will not affect the period of the pendulum. The period will still be 3.50 s.

To understand the effect of changing the mass of the bob on the period of the pendulum, we need to explore the concept of simple pendulum motion. The period of a pendulum is the time it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing, going back and forth from one extreme point to the other.

The period of a pendulum is influenced by two main factors: the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The mass of the bob itself does not directly affect the period of the pendulum.

According to the simple pendulum equation:

T = 2π √(L / g)

T = Period of the pendulum
π = Pi (approximately 3.14159)
L = Length of the pendulum
g = Acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

From the equation, we can observe that the period (T) is directly proportional to the square root of the length (L) and inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity (g). The mass of the bob is not present in this equation.

So, if we replace the 1.00 kg bob with a bob of 2.00 kg, it will not have any direct effect on the period of the pendulum. The period will remain the same as long as the length and acceleration due to gravity remain constant.

However, it's worth noting that changing the mass may indirectly affect the motion of the pendulum. With a heavier bob, the pendulum might experience more frictional forces, air resistance, or other external factors that could slightly alter the motion. But these effects are usually negligible and do not significantly impact the period of the pendulum.


T₂ =2πsqrt(m₂/k)
T₂ /T₁ =sqrt{ m₂/m₁}
T₂ = T₁sqrt{ m₂/m₁}=
=3.5•sqrt(2/1) =4.95 s.


T₂ =2πsqrt(m₂/k)
T₂ /T₁ =sqrt{ m₂/m₁}
T₂ = T₁sqrt{ m₂/m₁}=
=3.5•sqrt(2/1) =4.95 s.