I am doing an intro paragraph of being on a pedal boat at a bay. My writing teacher said we had to make our stories interesting and make people want to read it and be fascinated with it. So, I started with:

"Ahhh!!! We're going to sink," said Elana.

For my second line, what should I put?

Why does Elana think they are going to sink?

There a strong winds which are rocking the boat and there are some water leaking in on both sides.

"Water is pouring into the boat!"

To make your second line intriguing and captivating, consider using descriptive language to paint a vivid and engaging picture in your reader's mind. Here's a suggestion:

"Beneath the summer sky, the pedal boat glided across the sparkling bay, its bright colors reflecting off the water, while Elana's heart raced with a mix of both fear and exhilaration."

By incorporating sensory details and emphasizing Elana's emotional state, you can draw the reader's attention and create curiosity about Elana's experience on the pedal boat.