Paula and Miranda were ask to write an expression to find the total number of shoes in a closet . Let s represent the number of pairs of shoes. Paula wrote s and Miranda wrote 2s. Who is correct ? Explain

since there are 2 shoes for each pair, 2s is the correct expression for the number of shoes in s pairs.

Elizabeth and her 2 sisters are counting shoes. If s= the total number of shoes total for all 3 girls and P= how many pairs write the equation that will solve for the total shoes they own .

To determine who is correct, we need to understand what each expression represents and then evaluate them.

Paula's expression: s represents the number of pairs of shoes.

Miranda's expression: 2s represents twice the number of pairs of shoes.

In both expressions, the variable s represents the number of pairs of shoes, not individual shoes.

Now, to find the total number of shoes in the closet, we need to multiply the number of pairs of shoes by 2, as each pair consists of two shoes.

Therefore, Paula's expression, s, correctly represents the total number of shoes in the closet, while Miranda's expression, 2s, would count each shoe twice and overestimate the total number of shoes.

In summary, Paula is correct, and the expression s represents the total number of shoes in the closet.