Paulo withdraws the same amount from his bank account each week to pay for lunch. Over the past four weeks, he withdrew one hundred twenty dollars. Which rule best applies to determine the change in his account each week?

1. The product of two positive integers is a positive integer.
2. The product of two integers with different signs is a negative integer.
3. The quotient of two positive integers is a positive integer.
4. The quotient of two integers with different signs is a negative integer.

To determine the change in Paulo's account each week, we need to figure out the amount he withdraws each week.

Given that over the past four weeks, Paulo withdrew a total of one hundred twenty dollars, we can divide this amount by the number of weeks to find the amount withdrawn per week.

Therefore, the rule that best applies to determine the change in his account each week is option 3: "The quotient of two positive integers is a positive integer."

By dividing the total amount (120 dollars) by the number of weeks (4 weeks), we get the amount withdrawn each week, which is 30 dollars.