these values were obtained as the mass of a bar of metal: 8.83g 8.84g 8.82g the known mass is 8.83g the values are both accurate and precise- true or false

In order to determine if the values obtained are accurate and precise, we need to compare them to the known mass of 8.83g.

Accuracy refers to how close the measured values are to the true or known value. In this case, the known mass is 8.83g, and the values obtained are 8.83g, 8.84g, and 8.82g. Since all the measured values are close to the known value of 8.83g, we can conclude that the measurements are accurate.

Precision, on the other hand, refers to how close the measured values are to each other. The three measured values, 8.83g, 8.84g, and 8.82g, are very close to each other, with a difference of only 0.02g between the highest and lowest values. This suggests that the measurements are precise.

Therefore, the statement "the values are both accurate and precise" is true based on the information provided.

To determine if the given values for the mass of a bar of metal are both accurate and precise, we can analyze them using statistical measures.

Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value. If the known mass is 8.83g, we can compare the given values to this known value.

The first value is 8.83g, which matches the known mass exactly. The second value is 8.84g, which is slightly higher than the known mass by 0.01g. The third value is 8.82g, which is slightly lower than the known mass by 0.01g.

Precision refers to the level of agreement or reproducibility between multiple measurements. If the given values are close to each other, it indicates that they are precise.

In this case, the values are very close to each other, differing by only 0.02g. This suggests a high level of precision.

Based on this analysis, we can say that the given values for the mass of the bar of metal are both accurate and precise, making the statement true.

It is accurate, no doubt. But precise? Precision is expressed by the number of digits, as in 8.83564978grams.