1. Name the subset(s) of real numbers to which the number zero belongs. You can choose more than one answer.

Irrational numbers
Whole numbers
Natural numbers

2. Write an algebraic expression for the word phrase: the quotient of r and 12.

r * 12
r + 12
r / 12
r - 12

3. Simplify the expression 4^2 + 8 / 2


My answers:

1. Integers and Whole Numbers
2. r / 12
3. 20

It is integers and whole numbers! Good job!


the third is correct

1. To determine which subset(s) of real numbers the number zero belongs to, we need to understand the definitions of each subset:

- Irrational numbers: These are numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction or a ratio of two integers. Since zero can be expressed as 0/1, it is not considered an irrational number.
- Integers: These include positive and negative whole numbers, including zero. Since zero is an integer, it belongs to this subset.
- Whole numbers: These are non-negative integers, including zero. Since zero is a non-negative integer, it also belongs to this subset.
- Natural numbers: These are positive integers, excluding zero. Since zero is not a positive integer, it does not belong to this subset.

Therefore, the subsets to which the number zero belongs are Integers and Whole numbers.

2. The word phrase "the quotient of r and 12" refers to dividing the variable r by the number 12. In algebraic notation, division is represented by the slash (/) symbol. So the algebraic expression for this phrase is "r / 12".

3. To simplify the expression 4^2 + 8 / 2, we perform the operations according to the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):

First, we calculate the exponent: 4^2 = 4 * 4 = 16.
Then, we divide 8 by 2, which gives us 4.
Finally, we add 16 and 4: 16 + 4 = 20.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 20.


You're welcome.

I don't know about the first question. Your second two answers are correct.