0.74 Kcal/min to cal/sec

How do I work this out ?

0.74 kcal/min x (1000 cal/kcal) x (1 min/60 sec) = ?

To convert from Kcal/min to cal/sec, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor.

Step 1: Start with the given value of 0.74 Kcal/min.

Step 2: Convert Kcal to cal by multiplying the given value by 1000, because there are 1000 calories in 1 Kilocalorie: 0.74 Kcal/min * 1000 cal/Kcal = 740 cal/min.

Step 3: Convert minutes to seconds by multiplying the value by 1/60, because there are 60 seconds in 1 minute: 740 cal/min * 1/60 min/sec = 12.33 cal/sec.

Therefore, 0.74 Kcal/min is equal to 12.33 cal/sec.

To convert 0.74 Kcal/min to cal/sec, you need to use conversion factors and unit cancellations.

First, let's consider the conversion between minutes and seconds. There are 60 seconds in 1 minute, so we can multiply by the conversion factor of 60 seconds/1 minute to cancel out the minutes.

0.74 Kcal/min * (60 sec/1 min)

Next, we need to convert from Kcal to cal. There are 1000 calories in 1 kilocalorie, so we can multiply by the conversion factor of 1000 cal/1 Kcal to cancel out the Kcal.

0.74 Kcal/min * (60 sec/1 min) * (1000 cal/1 Kcal)

Now let's simplify the expression by canceling out the matching units:

0.74 * 60 * 1000 cal/sec

Finally, multiply the numbers together to get the converted value:

0.74 * 60 * 1000 = 44,400 cal/sec

Therefore, 0.74 Kcal/min is equal to 44,400 cal/sec.

12.33 cal/sec