everyday their are more and more dirty dishes to wash-truly a(n) task.

a=epicurean b=jovial c=sisphean d=gslvanized

its d

No. Writeacher already answered you.


i used the ictionary i cant figure which one it is



To determine the answer, look for the word or phrase in the given sentence that describes the task of washing dirty dishes. In this case, it is "truly a(n) task." The answer choice that best relates to this description is "Sisyphean."

The term "Sisyphean" is derived from the Greek mythological figure Sisyphus, who was condemned to an eternity in Hades. His punishment was to repeatedly push a large boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down every time he neared the top. This task represents a futile and endless effort, much like the never-ending chore of washing dishes.