Can you state the aspect of style revealed in this quote so I can write a paper?

"Clyde if I could only die. That would solve all this. And I have prayed and prayed that I would lately, yes I have. For life does not mean as much to me now as when I first met you, and you loved me. Oh, those happy days! If only things were different. If only I were out of your way. It would all be so much better for me and for all of us. But I can't now, Clyde, without a penny and no way to save the name of our child, except this. Yet if it weren't for the pain and disgrace it would bring to my mother and father and all my family, I would be willing to end it all in another way. I truly would."

I see first person narrative, pathos, and short sentences. What else do you see?

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The quote is from Dreiser's An American Tragedy.

The aspect of style revealed in this quote is the use of stream of consciousness or internal monologue.

To understand this aspect of style, you can pay attention to the way the author portrays the character's thoughts and feelings. In this quote, the character's thoughts are presented in a continuous, unfiltered flow, reflecting their innermost desires, regrets, and conflicts. The use of phrases like "if only," "but," and "yet" demonstrates the character's internal struggle and their consideration of different perspectives.

To write your paper, you can analyze how the use of stream of consciousness helps to convey the character's emotional state and their complex mindset. You can discuss the impact of this stylistic choice on the reader, such as creating a sense of intimacy and a deeper understanding of the character's motivations. Additionally, you can explore how this aspect of style contributes to the overall themes and messages of the work.