1. What type of context clue is provided for the italicized word in the following sentence?

"The ice, snow, freezing wind, deep ice cracks, called crevasses (this is italicized), and lack of oxygen are constant threats to climbers’ safety and health."

a) example

b) antonym

c) explanatory words or phrases (my choice)

d) synonym

2.If you were asked to read an article with the title “Racing for Space” and the subheads “October Becoming a Popular Wedding Month” and “The Benefits of Booking Now,” what would you predict the article is going to be about?

a) astronauts racing to be first on the moon

b) brides competing to reserve places to hold weddings (my choice)

c) the best months to have a wedding

d) why you should book vacations early

Is the first one an example?

Isn't crevasse a synonym for a crack in the earth's surface?

Yes, it is. Thank you.

You're welcome. :-)

1. The type of context clue provided for the italicized word "crevasses" in the sentence is c) explanatory words or phrases. In this sentence, the phrase "deep ice cracks, called crevasses" provides an explanation or definition for what crevasses are, giving readers a better understanding of the word's meaning.

To identify the correct type of context clue for a word in a sentence, you can look for other words or phrases that further explain or define the word in question. In this case, the phrase "deep ice cracks" serves as an explanation for what crevasses are, making option c) the correct choice.

2. Based on the title "Racing for Space" and the subheads "October Becoming a Popular Wedding Month" and "The Benefits of Booking Now," it can be predicted that the article is going to be about b) brides competing to reserve places to hold weddings.

While option a) suggests astronauts racing to be first on the moon, this topic does not directly relate to the subheads provided. Similarly, options c) and d) are not directly connected to the given title and subheads. Therefore, option b) is the most logical prediction as it aligns with the information provided. To make predictions about the content of an article, it is important to analyze the title and subheads, as they often provide crucial information about the main topic and key points.

I disagree with your first answer.

I agree with your second answer.