to what continents did homo sapiens migrate from asia

After traveling from Africa and Asia, homo sapiens next went to Europe and Australia.

The Americas were the last continents to be populated by humans.

The distance is about 17,000 miles.

17,000 miles appears to be wrong. I used an unreliable source. Sorry.

A better estimate is about 5,000 miles.

in what direction did erects migrate from Kenya in east Africa to Indonesia

Homo sapiens, or modern humans, migrated from Asia to several continents. These migrations occurred in waves over thousands of years, as our ancestors spread across the globe. To determine which continents Homo sapiens migrated to from Asia, we can look at the available scientific evidence and historical records. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Study Archaeological and Fossil Records: Archaeological excavations and the study of fossils provide crucial evidence about human migration. Look for studies and research papers that focus on the origins and dispersal of Homo sapiens. You can find such resources by searching in academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar. These sources will provide detailed information about the migrations out of Asia.

2. Consult Genetics and DNA Studies: Genetic studies have also provided insights into human migration patterns. Scientists analyze DNA samples from different populations around the world to trace their ancestry and migration routes. Look for studies on human population genetics, such as research papers or articles published in reputable scientific journals like Nature or Science. These studies often discuss the migration routes of Homo sapiens from Asia.

3. Explore Anthropological and Historical Sources: Anthropological and historical records can also shed light on the migration of Homo sapiens. Look for books, articles, or documentaries that discuss human migration throughout history, focusing on Asia as the origin. Anthropological studies on indigenous cultures can provide valuable insights into the ancient migratory patterns of humans.

By compiling and cross-referencing information from these different sources, you can identify the continents to which Homo sapiens migrated from Asia. Although the specific details and timelines may vary, the prevailing scientific consensus is that Homo sapiens migrated to at least four continents from Asia: Africa, Europe, Oceania (Australia), and the Americas.