input/output table:


you are dividing the input by 4 to get the output.

4(divided by 4)1
8(divided by 4)2
32(divided by 4)8
128(divided by 4)32
512(divided by 4)128

To find the missing values in the input/output table, we need to identify the pattern or relationship between the given inputs and outputs.

Looking at the given values, we can see that all the outputs are obtained by multiplying their respective inputs by a certain value. Let's break it down step by step:

1. For the first row: 4,1
The output (1) is obtained by dividing the input (4) by 4, so the missing output should be obtained by dividing the missing input by 4.

2. For the second row: 8,2
The output (2) is obtained by dividing the input (8) by 4, so the missing output should be obtained by dividing the missing input by 4.

3. For the third row: 32,8
The output (8) is obtained by dividing the input (32) by 4, so the missing output should be obtained by dividing the missing input by 4.

Based on the pattern observed, we can conclude that the relationship between the inputs and outputs in this table is division by 4.

4. For the fourth row: 128,?
To find the missing output, we divide the input (128) by 4:
? = 128 / 4
? = 32

5. For the fifth row: 512,?
To find the missing output, we divide the input (512) by 4:
? = 512 / 4
? = 128

Therefore, the missing values in the input/output table are:
128 for the fourth row
128 for the fifth row.