A sustainable society

manages its economy and population size without doing irreparable environmental harm.
satisfies the needs of its people without depleting Earth capital.
protects the prospects of future generations of humans and other species.
all of these answers.
none of these answers.

The correct answer is d. all of these answers.

A sustainable society is one that encompasses all of the options mentioned. Let's break down each option to understand why they are all correct:

a. Managing the economy and population size without doing irreparable environmental harm: In a sustainable society, there is a focus on finding ways to meet the needs of the population while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. This involves implementing sustainable practices and technologies that do not deplete natural resources or cause irreparable harm to ecosystems.

b. Satisfying the needs of its people without depleting Earth capital: Sustainability involves finding ways to meet the present needs of society while ensuring that future generations can also meet their needs. This means not depleting Earth's resources at a rate faster than they can be replenished. By adopting sustainable practices, a society can minimize its ecological footprint and ensure the availability of resources for future generations.

c. Protecting the prospects of future generations of humans and other species: Sustainability is not just about meeting the needs of the current generation. It also involves considering the long-term well-being of future generations and the preservation of biodiversity. A sustainable society actively works to protect the environment and maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems, ensuring the survival and thriving of both humans and other species.

By considering and implementing all of these elements together, a society can strive for sustainability and create a balance between human needs, economic growth, and environmental protection.