Which of the following statements about common sense is not true

none, apparently

To determine which of the statements about common sense is not true, let's first list the statements and discuss each one:

Statement 1: Common sense is objective and universally shared by everyone.

To check the accuracy of this statement, you can start by considering different cultural, societal, and individual perspectives. Common sense can vary across cultures and may not be universally shared. People's backgrounds, experiences, and education influence their understanding of common sense, making it somewhat subjective.

Statement 2: Common sense is innate and doesn't need to be learned.

To evaluate this statement, it's beneficial to understand that common sense is often shaped through personal experiences, observations, and education. While some elements of common sense might be influenced by innate instincts, much of it stems from acquired knowledge and socialization.

Statement 3: Common sense always provides the most accurate solutions to problems.

To assess the truth of this statement, it is important to recognize that common sense is based on general principles and heuristics, which may not always be the most accurate or appropriate in every situation. Some problems require specialized knowledge or critical thinking beyond what common sense offers.

Statement 4: Common sense reasoning is always logical and rational.

To determine the accuracy of this statement, it's worth noting that common sense can sometimes lead to flawed conclusions or biases due to its reliance on quick judgments and heuristics. While common sense often follows logical patterns, it is not immune to errors or fallacies.

By considering these statements and evaluating each one, you can determine which of them is not true based on their alignment with your own understanding and analysis of common sense.