to what places did wine spread?

The earliest wine was made in the areas that are now the countries of Georgia, Armenia, Iraq, and Egypt. This site has a lot more details.

Wine is known and drunk all over the world today.

How did it spread in the periods from 870 B.C.E to about the 18th century, mostly in Greece and Rome

Wine spread to various places around the world over thousands of years. Here's how you can explore where wine has spread:

1. Ancient civilizations: Wine production can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), where archaeological evidence suggests that wine was produced as early as 4000 BCE. Look for historical resources on the development and spread of wine during this period.

2. Mediterranean region: The Mediterranean region played a significant role in the spread of wine. The ancient Greeks and Romans heavily cultivated vineyards and spread wine-making techniques throughout their empires. Research the historical accounts of the Greeks and Romans to understand the regions where wine was produced and traded.

3. Europe: Wine production and consumption thrived throughout Europe. France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany are known for their wine-making traditions that date back centuries. Explore the history of each country's wine industry to understand how wine spread throughout different regions of Europe.

4. New World: Wine production also spread to the New World during the age of exploration and colonization. Spanish and Portuguese colonizers introduced wine production to South America, particularly in Argentina and Chile. In the United States, wine-making flourished in regions such as California, Oregon, and Washington. Look into the historical records of these regions to learn how wine-making developed there.

5. Other regions: Wine production and consumption have spread to various other countries and regions over time. For example, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and parts of Asia, such as China and Japan, have seen a significant rise in wine production in recent years. Research the wine industries in these regions to understand how wine spread there.

In summary, wine spread to numerous places, including ancient civilizations, the Mediterranean region, Europe, the New World, and other parts of the world. Exploring the historical records and traditions of these regions will provide you with a deeper understanding of how wine has spread across different parts of the globe.