Which of the following correlation coefficients is higher?

a. -0.68

b. 0.60

c. 0.68

d. a and c

e. None of the above

a and c right?

Whichever correlation is closest to ±1 is right. That is choice D.

Thank you!!

Yes, that's correct. The correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient can range from -1 to +1.

In this case, the correlation coefficients given are:

a. -0.68
b. 0.60
c. 0.68

To determine which correlation coefficient is higher, we compare their absolute values. The absolute value disregards the sign and gives us the magnitude of the correlation coefficient.

The absolute value of -0.68 is 0.68, and the absolute value of 0.68 is also 0.68. Since 0.68 is higher than 0.60, option d, which includes a and c, is the correct answer.