The height of a stack of 5 pennies is 0.72 cm and the radius of the stack is 0.91 cm. The volume in mL of this stack of 5 pennies is.

The volume of a cylinder is pi*r^2*h.

To find the volume of the stack of 5 pennies, we can calculate the volume of a single penny and then multiply it by the total number of pennies.

The volume of a cylinder, which the stack resembles, can be calculated using the formula:

V = π * r^2 * h

where V is the volume, π is a mathematical constant (approximately 3.14159), r is the radius of the circle formed by the base of the cylinder, and h is the height of the cylinder.

- Height of the stack (h) = 0.72 cm
- Radius of the stack (r) = 0.91 cm
- Number of pennies = 5

First, let's find the volume of a single penny using the given radius:

V_penny = π * r^2 * h
= 3.14159 * 0.91^2 * 0.72
≈ 1.85739 cm³

Now, we can find the volume of the stack of 5 pennies by multiplying the volume of a single penny by 5:

V_stack = V_penny * 5
≈ 1.85739 cm³ * 5
≈ 9.28695 cm³

However, the volume is usually expressed in milliliters (mL), so we need to convert cm³ to mL. Since 1 cm³ is equal to 1 mL, we can simply state:

V_stack ≈ 9.28695 mL

Therefore, the volume in mL of this stack of 5 pennies is approximately 9.28695 mL.