While in Europe, if you drive 109km per day, how much money would you spend on gas in one week if gas costs 1.10 euros per liter and your car's gas mileage is 39.0mi/gal ? Assume that 1euro=1.26dollars .

While in Europe, if you drive 109 km per day, how much money would you spend on gas in one week if gas costs 1.10 euros per liter and your car's gas mileage is 22.0 mi/gal ? Assume that 1euro=1.26dollars.

To determine the amount of money spent on gas in one week, we need to calculate the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the gas mileage from miles per gallon (mpg) to kilometers per liter (km/L).
To convert from mpg to km/L, we can use the following conversion factors:
1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers
1 gallon = 3.78541 liters

Gas Mileage (km/L) = Gas Mileage (mpg) * 1.60934 km/mile / 3.78541 L/gallon

Gas Mileage (km/L) = 39.0 mpg * 1.60934 km/mile / 3.78541 L/gallon
Gas Mileage (km/L) ≈ 16.61 km/L

Step 2: Calculate the total liters of gas consumed in one week.
Since you drive 109km per day, the total distance driven in one week would be 109 km/day * 7 days/week = 763 km/week.
The total liters of gas consumed in one week can be calculated as:
Total liters of gas consumed = Total distance driven (km) / Gas Mileage (km/L)

Total liters of gas consumed = 763 km / 16.61 km/L
Total liters of gas consumed ≈ 45.99 L/week

Step 3: Calculate the cost of gas in one week.
Given that gas costs 1.10 euros per liter, the cost of gas in one week can be calculated as:
Cost of gas (euros) = Total liters of gas consumed * Cost per liter

Cost of gas (euros) = 45.99 L * 1.10 euros/L
Cost of gas (euros) ≈ 50.59 euros

Step 4: Convert the cost of gas from euros to dollars.
Given that 1 euro = 1.26 dollars, we can convert the cost of gas from euros to dollars as:
Cost of gas (dollars) = Cost of gas (euros) * 1.26 dollars/euro

Cost of gas (dollars) ≈ 50.59 euros * 1.26 dollars/euro
Cost of gas (dollars) ≈ 63.72 dollars

Therefore, you would spend approximately 63.72 dollars on gas in one week while driving 109 km per day in Europe.

To calculate the amount of money you would spend on gas in one week while driving 109km per day, we need to convert the distance from kilometers to miles as the gas mileage value is given in miles per gallon.

Step 1: Convert the daily distance from kilometers to miles.
1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles
So, 109 kilometers per day = 109 * 0.621371 = 67.724339 miles per day.

Step 2: Calculate the weekly distance by multiplying the daily distance by 7 (number of days in a week).
67.724339 miles per day * 7 days = 473.070373 miles per week.

Step 3: Calculate the amount of gasoline required per week by dividing the weekly distance by the car's gas mileage.
473.070373 miles per week / 39.0 miles per gallon = 12.1284769 gallons per week.

Step 4: Convert the amount of gasoline from gallons to liters.
1 gallon = 3.78541 liters
So, 12.1284769 gallons per week = 12.1284769 * 3.78541 = 45.94782 liters per week.

Step 5: Calculate the total cost of gas for one week by multiplying the amount of gas by the cost per liter.
45.94782 liters per week * 1.10 euros per liter = 50.5426 euros per week.

Step 6: Convert the cost from euros to dollars.
1 euro = 1.26 dollars
So, 50.5426 euros per week = 50.5426 * 1.26 = 63.712476 dollars per week.

Therefore, you would spend approximately 63.71 dollars on gas in one week while driving 109 kilometers per day in Europe, given the provided gas mileage and gas price conversion rate.

d=109km/day * 1mi/1.6km*7days/wk = 476.875 mi/wk


Cost = 476.875m1*1gal/39mi*5.27/gal =