Tim flies roundtrip twice yearly between Atlanta and Los Angeles. The distance between the two cities is 2,150 miles. Estimate the distance he flies for both trips. Then find the exact distance.

Estimate = 4 * 2000 = ?

Accurate = 4 * 2150 = ?

To estimate the distance Tim flies for both trips, we can multiply the one-way distance by the number of round trips he makes in one year.

One round trip between Atlanta and Los Angeles is 2,150 miles.

Since Tim flies roundtrip twice yearly, we can multiply the one-way distance by the number of round trips in one year:

2,150 miles * 2 round trips = 4,300 miles (estimated distance for both trips)

To find the exact distance Tim flies for both trips, we can simply multiply the one-way distance by the number of round trips in one year:

2,150 miles * 2 round trips = 4,300 miles (exact distance for both trips)