Tami wrote the even numbers between 325 and 337. The sum of the hundreds digit and tens digit equals the ones digit. What is Tamis number?

326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336

Which number fits the other criteria?


To find Tami's number, we need to check all the even numbers between 325 and 337 and see which number satisfies the condition stated.

Let's break down the steps:

1. List down all the even numbers between 325 and 337:
326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336

2. For each number, calculate the sum of the hundreds digit and tens digit and check if it equals the ones digit.

- For 326: (3 + 2) = 5, which is not equal to 6. So, 326 does not satisfy the condition.

- For 328: (3 + 2) = 5, which is not equal to 8. So, 328 does not satisfy the condition.

- For 330: (3 + 3) = 6, which is equal to 0. So, 330 satisfies the condition.

- For 332: (3 + 3) = 6, which is equal to 2. So, 332 satisfies the condition.

- For 334: (3 + 3) = 6, which is equal to 4. So, 334 satisfies the condition.

- For 336: (3 + 3) = 6, which is equal to 6. So, 336 satisfies the condition.

3. From the above calculations, Tami's number is 330, 332, 334, or 336.

So, we have multiple possible answers for Tami's number based on the given condition.