Displacement vector A points due east and has a magnitude of 2.26 km. Displacement vector B points due north and has a magnitude of 2.62 km. Displacement vector C points due west and has a magnitude of 2.6 km. Displacement vector D points due south and has a magnitude of 2.6 km. Find the magnitude and direction (relative to due east) of the resultant vector A + B + C + D.

Just add the vectors:

(-0.34,-0.02) = 0.34 at W3.37°S

East (along x axis)

2.26 -2.60

North (along y axis)
2.62 -2.60

magnitude = sqrt (.34^2+.02^2)
= .341
direction (quadrant 2)
sin angle to x axis = .02/.341
so angle above negative x axis = 3.36 deg above -y axis

angle to + x axis = 180 -3.36 = 177 deg counterclockwise

angle to x axis clockwise (like a compass) = 180+3.36 = 183.3

By the way I bet you have at least one typo, but the method should work.

Thanks for checking

grumble grumble

To find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector A + B + C + D, we first need to add the vectors together.

Adding Vectors:

To add vectors, we need to break them down into their horizontal (x-component) and vertical (y-component) parts.

For vector A:
- It points due east, so its x-component is positive (+2.26 km) and its y-component is zero (0 km).

For vector B:
- It points due north, so its x-component is zero (0 km) and its y-component is positive (+2.62 km).

For vector C:
- It points due west, so its x-component is negative (-2.6 km) and its y-component is zero (0 km).

For vector D:
- It points due south, so its x-component is zero (0 km) and its y-component is negative (-2.6 km).

Now, we can add the x-components and y-components separately.

Adding the x-components:
2.26 km - 2.6 km = -0.34 km

Adding the y-components:
2.62 km - 2.6 km = 0.02 km

The resultant vector has an x-component of -0.34 km and a y-component of 0.02 km.

Magnitude and Direction:

To find the magnitude of the resultant vector, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

Magnitude = sqrt((-0.34 km)^2 + (0.02 km)^2)

Magnitude ≈ sqrt(0.1156 km^2 + 0.0004 km^2)
Magnitude ≈ sqrt(0.116 km^2)
Magnitude ≈ 0.34 km

So, the magnitude of the resultant vector A + B + C + D is approximately 0.34 km.

To find the direction of the resultant vector relative to due east, we can use the trigonometric function tangent:

Direction = atan(y-component / x-component) + 180 degrees

Direction = atan(0.02 km / -0.34 km) + 180 degrees

Direction ≈ 175.9 degrees (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, the magnitude of the resultant vector A + B + C + D is approximately 0.34 km, and its direction relative to due east is approximately 175.9 degrees.