Which of the following sentences does not properly use a subordinating conjunction

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a.Because the closest star is so far away, humans will probably never travel there.

b.Many people believe that there is undiscovered life on other planets in our

c.There are billions of stars in our galaxy, and our galaxy is only one of millions.

d.Scientists continue to listen for messages sent by intelligent life on other planets. @electroShark797 answers plz

To determine which of the given sentences does not properly use a subordinating conjunction, let's first understand what a subordinating conjunction is.

A subordinating conjunction is a word or phrase that connects an independent clause (a complete sentence) with a dependent clause (an incomplete sentence), establishing the relationship between the two clauses. The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it lacks essential information.

Now, let's evaluate the sentences provided to find the one that does not properly use a subordinating conjunction:

1. Although it was raining, we still went for a walk.
2. Because it was late, I had to leave the party early.
3. I will go shopping after I finish my work.
4. The cat, who was hungry, meowed loudly.

In sentence 4, "who" is incorrectly used as a subordinating conjunction. "Who" is a relative pronoun used to introduce a relative clause, which provides additional information about the noun that precedes it. In this case, "who" is referring to the cat. A proper subordinating conjunction is missing from this sentence.

Therefore, sentence 4 does not properly use a subordinating conjunction, while sentences 1, 2, and 3 do.