1. How much tax does the mayer pay?

2. How much cost does the mayer pay?

(Which one is correct?)

The first is correct. Note the correct spelling is mayor.

1. How much tax does the mayor pay?

2. How much cost does the mayor pay?

(Thank you for your help......If we use the verb 'cost,' what do we have to do to make Sentence 2 correct?)

3. How much does it cost for the mayor to pay tax?

(Is this grammatical?)

Yes, 1 and 3 are correct.

3 would be better if you said, "mayor to pay taxes" or "mayor to pay the tax."

To determine which question is correct, we need to understand what "mayer" refers to. If you meant "mayor," then the first question would be more appropriate: "How much tax does the mayor pay?" This question asks about the amount of tax the mayor pays.

However, if you meant "mayer" as something else that is not clear from the context, neither question would be correct. In that case, please provide more context or clarify your question so that I can assist you further.