explain about administered pricing policy.

Administered pricing policy is a pricing strategy in which the government or a regulatory authority sets or influences the prices of goods and services. This policy is usually implemented in industries that are considered crucial for the overall economic development or social welfare of a country.

The rationale behind administered pricing policy is to ensure fair pricing, control inflation, promote economic stability, and address market failures or social concerns. Here's how it typically works:

1. Identification of Industries: The government identifies industries or sectors where it believes pricing control is necessary due to their significance or potential impact on the economy.

2. Regulatory Authority: A regulatory authority is established to oversee and implement the administered pricing policy. This authority can be an independent body or a department within the government.

3. Price Determination: The regulatory authority, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, analyses various factors such as production costs, market conditions, consumer needs, and social objectives to determine the prices. The prices are often set through a combination of cost-based pricing and considerations of social equity.

4. Price Regulation: Once the prices are determined, the regulatory authority monitors and enforces compliance by imposing penalties or fines on companies that violate the pricing guidelines.

5. Adjustments and Reviews: Administered pricing policies are not static. Prices may be adjusted periodically based on changing economic conditions, market dynamics, or updated social objectives. The regulatory authority regularly reviews and assesses the impact of price controls to ensure their effectiveness and relevance.

It's important to note that administered pricing policy is often controversial, as it can limit market forces and may not always lead to optimal outcomes. Critics argue that it hampers competition, discourages innovation, and can result in inefficiencies. However, proponents believe that it serves as a necessary mechanism to protect consumer interests and achieve broader economic or social goals.

To get more detailed information about administered pricing policy, you can refer to academic literature on regulatory economics, government websites, official reports, or consult experts in the field of economic policy.