if a picnic area is located at the midpoint between sacramento and oakland fidn the distance to the picnic area from the road sign

roseville 5
sac 23
oakland 110

Where is the road sign?

What does Roseville have to d o with it?

If a pinic area is located at the midpoint between sacramento and oakland. Find the distance to the pinic area from the road sign.


If a pinic area is located at the midpoint between sacramento and oakland. Find the distance to the pinic area from the road sign.


To find the distance to the picnic area from the road sign, we need to determine the distance between Sacramento and Oakland and then calculate the midpoint.

First, we need to find the distance between Sacramento and Oakland. According to the information provided, Sacramento is 23 miles away from the road sign, and Oakland is 110 miles away. To find the distance between Sacramento and Oakland, we subtract the distance of Sacramento from the total distance between the two cities:

Distance between Sacramento and Oakland = 110 miles - 23 miles = 87 miles

Next, we need to find the midpoint between Sacramento and Oakland. The midpoint is the halfway point between the two locations. To find it, we divide the distance between the two cities by 2:

Midpoint = 87 miles / 2 = 43.5 miles

Therefore, the distance to the picnic area from the road sign is 43.5 miles.