What would 13 less than 30 look like written as a numerical expression


or, 30-13

if you are evaluating an expression rather than making a statement (which would be "13 is less than 30")

30-13 means 30 decreased by 13 or 30 less(minus) 13.

To write "13 less than 30" as a numerical expression, you can use subtraction. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Assign a variable to "30". Let's say "x".

Step 2: Subtract 13 from the variable "x".

The numerical expression for "13 less than 30" would be: x - 13.

In this case, x represents 30, so the expression becomes: 30 - 13.

Simplifying the expression: 30 - 13 = 17.

Therefore, "13 less than 30" written as a numerical expression is 30 - 13 = 17.