why the author is attempting to express in the passage 'Recognizing that personal and cultural beliefs influence both our perceptions and our interpretations of natural phenomena, we aim through the use of standard procedures and criteria to minimize those influences when developing a theory'

Sounds as if s/he is justifying the scientific method and recognizing the biases that each person/culture have.

Can you make it is clear ! Can you give me an example abou it ? Thank a lot!

People used to think the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth. To think otherwise, even when evidence contradicted this, used to be considered heresy and was severely punished.

In the given passage, the author is attempting to express the importance of recognizing personal and cultural beliefs as potential influences on our perceptions and interpretations of natural phenomena. By acknowledging this, the author aims to emphasize the need for scientists to use standard procedures and criteria in order to minimize these influences when developing a theory.

To understand the author's intention, we can break down the passage:

1. "Recognizing that personal and cultural beliefs influence both our perceptions and our interpretations of natural phenomena": Here, the author highlights that our personal and cultural beliefs have the potential to shape how we perceive and interpret natural phenomena. This means that our individual biases and cultural perspectives can impact how we understand scientific information.

2. "We aim through the use of standard procedures and criteria": The author emphasizes the importance of employing standard procedures and criteria in scientific research. By doing so, scientists can establish a systematic and reliable approach to minimize the influence of personal and cultural beliefs when developing a theory.

3. "To minimize those influences when developing a theory": The author's ultimate goal is to reduce the impact of personal and cultural biases when constructing scientific theories. By employing standard procedures and criteria, scientists can strive for objectivity and ensure that their theories are based on evidence rather than influenced by subjective factors.

In summary, the author is stressing the significance of recognizing and minimizing personal and cultural biases in scientific research by utilizing standardized procedures and criteria. This approach can lead to more objective and reliable scientific theories.