which one of the following statements is true concerning children and television?

a.minimal viewing results in shifts in attitudes
b.t.v.is an unrivaled teacher for certain subjects
c.t.v. has resulted in minor changes in the habits of children
d.t.v. has a non hypnotic power over children
my answer is c

I agree.

To determine which statement is true concerning children and television, you would need to critically evaluate each option and consider the available evidence.

Option a: Minimal viewing results in shifts in attitudes - To find the answer, you could start by researching available studies or research papers that examine the effects of minimal television viewing on children's attitudes. Additionally, you could look for any expert opinions or authoritative sources on the topic.

Option b: Television is an unrivaled teacher for certain subjects - Again, you could explore relevant research studies or expert opinions to support or refute this statement. Consider looking for evidence on whether television provides unique and effective educational content for specific subjects.

Option c: Television has resulted in minor changes in the habits of children - Similar to the previous options, you would need to gather evidence to evaluate this statement. Look for studies or research that analyzes the impact of television on children's habits, such as their routines and behaviors.

Option d: Television has a non-hypnotic power over children - This statement suggests that children are not easily influenced or mesmerized by television. To assess its validity, you can seek research or expert perspectives on the hypnotic or persuasive effects of television on children.

Based on your personal judgment and the evidence you've gathered, you can make an informed decision about which statement is most likely to be true.