The average of two numbers is x. If one of the numbers is 3m-1, then the other number, in terms of x and m, is...

You'll need to setup algebraic equations and then solve the system for the "other number". Do you know how to get started?

hint: the sum of the two numbers is 2 times the average

To find the other number in terms of `x` and `m`, we can use the fact that the average of two numbers is equal to their sum divided by 2.

Let's call the other number `y`.
According to the problem, the average of `x` and `y` is `x`. So, we can write the equation:

(x + y) / 2 = x ⟹ x + y = 2x

Now, we know that one of the numbers is `3m - 1`. We can substitute this value into the equation:

x + (3m - 1) = 2x

To isolate `y`, we can move `2x` to the other side of the equation:

x - 2x = 1 - 3m

Simplifying further:

- x = 1 - 3m

Finally, we can multiply both sides by -1 to get `x` alone:

x = 3m - 1

Hence, the other number in terms of `x` and `m` is `3m - 1`.