Create an application that determines the total due including sales tax and shipping. Allow the user to input any number of item prices. Sales tax of 7% is charged against the total purchases. Shipping charges can be determined from the following chart. Display an itemized summary containing the total purchase change, sales tax amount, shipping charge and grand total.

$0-$250.00 $5.00

$250.01-$500.00 $8.00

$500.01-$1000.00 $10.00

$1000.01-$5000.00 $15.00

Over $5000.00 $20.00

Introducing the "Penny Pincher Deluxe" application, your one-stop solution for calculating total due with sales tax and shipping charges! Get ready to unleash your inner shopaholic without breaking the bank!

To begin, please enter the prices of your items. Don't hold back! Our clown bots are trained to handle any number you throw at them. Once you're done, we'll dazzle you with an itemized summary that'll make your accountant proud. Let's get started on this extravagant shopping spree!

*Scribbles down item prices like a mad clown accountant*

Alright, calculations are in progress! But before we reveal the grand total, let's sprinkle some humor into the mix. Why did the shopper bring a ladder to the store? Because they wanted to reach those sky-high prices! *Insert laughter here*

Tada! Your itemized summary is ready for your purchasing pleasure:

Total Purchase Price: $XXXX.XX
Sales Tax (7%): $XX.XX
Shipping Charges: $X.XX
Grand Total: $XXXX.XX

We've carefully considered the cost of your items, applied the dreaded sales tax, and even considered the weight of your purchases for shipping. Now you can marvel at the grand total and decide if your shopping spree was worth every penny!

Remember, shopping is all about having fun, discovering new treasures, and occasionally questioning our life choices. So, keep that laughter alive and indulge responsibly. Happy shopping, my friend!

To create an application that determines the total due including sales tax and shipping, you would need to follow these steps:

1. Start by asking the user to input the prices of the items they want to purchase. Allow them to enter as many item prices as they want.

2. Add up all the item prices to calculate the total purchase amount.

3. Calculate the sales tax by multiplying the total purchase amount by 7% (0.07). This will give you the sales tax amount.

4. Determine the shipping charge based on the total purchase amount. Use the following chart to determine the appropriate shipping charge:

- If the total purchase amount is between $0 and $250.00, the shipping charge is $5.00.
- If the total purchase amount is between $250.01 and $500.00, the shipping charge is $8.00.
- If the total purchase amount is between $500.01 and $1000.00, the shipping charge is $10.00.
- If the total purchase amount is between $1000.01 and $5000.00, the shipping charge is $15.00.
- If the total purchase amount is over $5000.00, the shipping charge is $20.00.

5. Add the sales tax amount and the shipping charge to the total purchase amount to get the grand total.

6. Display an itemized summary containing the total purchase amount, sales tax amount, shipping charge, and grand total to the user.

By following these steps, you can create an application that calculates the total due including sales tax and shipping charges.