1. Suppose that a recipe calls for an oven temperature of 189°F. Convert this temperature to degrees Celsius and to kelvins.

--I found that Celsius is 87.2, plug it in K=C+273, got 360.2 but it was wrong.

(e) Neon, the gaseous element used to make electronic signs, has a melting point of -248.6°C and a boiling point of -246.1°C. Convert these temperatures to kelvins.
-- Plugged it in K=C+273 and had the same exact problem as the top too. Help me!! What am I doing wrong?


Recall that the formula for converting deg F to deg C is
C = (5/9)*(F - 32)
C = (5/9)*(189 - 32)
C = (5/9)*(157)
C = 87.2 deg Celsius
To convert to Kelvin,
K = C + 273.15
K = 87.2 + 273.15
K = 360.37 Kelvin

K = C + 273
K = -248.6 + 273.15
K = 24.55 Kelvin (melting point)

K = C + 273
K = -246.1 + 273.15
K = 27.05 Kelvin (boiling point)

Your answers are correct. I don't know why they're wrong, probably there's a typo or something...
Hope this helps~ :)

To convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, you can use the formula:

C = (F - 32) * 5/9

To convert temperatures from Celsius to kelvin, you can use the formula:

K = C + 273.15

Now let's apply these formulas to the given questions:

1. Converting 189°F to Celsius:
C = (189 - 32) * 5/9 = 87.2°C (correct)

Now let's convert this Celsius value to kelvin:
K = 87.2 + 273.15 = 360.35K (correct)

So, your calculated Celsius and kelvin values are correct.

For the second question, let's convert the temperatures of Neon to kelvins:

Neon melting point: -248.6°C
K = -248.6 + 273.15 = 24.55K (correct)

Neon boiling point: -246.1°C
K = -246.1 + 273.15 = 27.05K (correct)

So, your calculations for converting Neon temperatures to kelvins are also correct.

It seems like you made a slight error in your calculations when converting to kelvins. Double-check your calculations to ensure you are adding/subtracting the correct values.