How would I say, "I love it here, like my second home" in French

I've sent this to my French expert, Katy.

"Je l'adore ici, c'est comme chez moi."

To say "I love it here, like my second home" in French, you can say "J'adore cet endroit, c'est comme ma deuxième maison." Here is the breakdown of the sentence:

1. "I love it here" can be translated as "J'adore cet endroit." In this phrase, "j'adore" means "I love" and "cet endroit" means "this place."

2. "Like my second home" can be translated as "c'est comme ma deuxième maison." In this phrase, "c'est" means "it is," "comme" means "like," "ma" means "my," and "deuxième maison" means "second home."

Putting it all together, you can say "J'adore cet endroit, c'est comme ma deuxième maison" to express "I love it here, like my second home" in French.

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