there are 36 carpenters in a crew. on a certain day, 29 were present. what percent showed up for work?

To find the percentage of carpenters who showed up for work, you need to calculate the ratio of the number of carpenters present (29) to the total number of carpenters in the crew (36), and then multiply it by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

The formula to calculate the percentage is:

Percentage = (Number of carpenters present / Total number of carpenters) * 100

Applying this formula to the given values, you can calculate the percentage of carpenters who showed up for work:

Percentage = (29 / 36) * 100

Calculating this expression will give you the answer.

100 (29/36) = ______%

Set up a proportion.

29 / 36 = x / 100

29 X 100 = 2900

2900 / 36 is approximately 81 percent.

So, approximately 81 percent of the crew members showed up for work.
