Generate an image of a family gathering where multiple individuals of all ages are interacting cheerfully. Have a varied mixture of people in terms of gender and descent to represent cousins. They can be involved in various activities such as playing games, sharing food, having a laugh, or simply enjoying each other's company. Include fun elements like balloons or party hats to evoke a festive atmosphere. The setting should be a cozy, well-lit rec room with family photos on the wall, a large plushy couch, and various toys and board games scattered across the floor.

Which sentence is correct?

These are my cousins.


This is my cousins.

Is "cousins" singular or plural?

Choose the matching verb.


These are my cousins .


These are my cousins. The word "cousins" is plural, so it should always be used with the plural form of the verb "are," not the singular form "is."

The correct sentence is: "These are my cousins."

To determine the correct sentence, let's analyze the subject-verb agreement. In this case, the subject is "cousins." The word "cousins" is plural because it refers to more than one person. Therefore, the verb should also be in the plural form.

In the given options, the first sentence "These are my cousins" is grammatically correct. The subject "cousins" is plural, and the verb "are" is also in the plural form. This agreement between the subject and verb makes the sentence accurate.

On the other hand, the second sentence "This is my cousins" is incorrect. The subject "cousins" is plural, while the verb "is" is in the singular form. This lack of agreement makes the sentence grammatically incorrect.

Therefore, "These are my cousins" is the correct sentence.