"Leadership by default; the United States and the final frontier." which of the following topics are listed under related subjects? a. discovery and exploration b. surveys c.mars and d. national security

To determine which of the following topics are listed under related subjects in the context of "Leadership by default; the United States and the final frontier," you can follow these steps:

1. Look for keywords in the given sentence. In this case, the main keywords are "United States" and "final frontier".

2. Based on these keywords, consider the relevance of each of the given options to the topic:
a. "Discovery and exploration": Since the sentence mentions the "final frontier," which generally refers to space exploration beyond Earth, this topic seems relevant.
b. "Surveys": This topic does not seem directly related to the given keywords.
c. "Mars": The mention of the "final frontier" could be interpreted as referring to Mars, so this topic seems relevant.
d. "National security": While this topic might be tangentially related to discussions about the United States and space exploration, it does not seem directly connected to the keywords.

3. Based on the above analysis, the related subjects for this topic are most likely "discovery and exploration" and "Mars" (options a and c).

Therefore, the correct answer is:
a. discovery and exploration
c. Mars