In Which oneof the following sentences is the number written correctly? A.the parcel of land was advertised as two hundred forty-three and three-quarters acres.b.the college has an,endowment of more than $187million.c.john just paid $33 thousand forhis New hundred and thirty-two people lined up to buy the tickets .

In order to determine which sentence has the correct written number, let's first review the rules for writing numbers in words.

1. Generally, numbers from one to nine are written in words (e.g., one, two, three).
2. Numbers from ten to nineteen are also written in words (e.g., ten, sixteen, nineteen).
3. For numbers from twenty and above, we typically use numerals and words together (e.g., 21, 32, 100).
4. Numbers that are simplified fractions (e.g., one-fourth, three-quarters) are usually written in words.
5. When writing amounts of money, the dollar sign ($) is used before the numerals, and the word "million," "thousand," etc., are written after the numerals.
6. Commas are used as separators for thousands, millions, etc.

Let's now apply these rules to each sentence provided to determine the correct written number:

a. "The parcel of land was advertised as two hundred forty-three and three-quarters acres." - This sentence follows the rules correctly. The number "two hundred forty-three" is written in words, and the fraction "three-quarters" is also written correctly. So, option A is correct.

b. "The college has an endowment of more than $187 million." - This sentence also follows the rules correctly. The amount of money, "$187 million," is written correctly with the dollar sign ($) before the number and the word "million" after it. So, option B is correct.

c. "John just paid $33 thousand for his new car." - This sentence does not follow the rules correctly. The amount of money, "$33 thousand," should be written as "$33,000" with a comma as a separator. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

d. "One hundred and thirty-two people lined up to buy the tickets." - This sentence follows the rules correctly. The number "one hundred and thirty-two" is written correctly, using words for numbers one to nine and numerals for numbers above ten. So, option D is correct.

Based on the analysis, the correct sentence with the number written correctly is option A: "The parcel of land was advertised as two hundred forty-three and three-quarters acres."