A telephone company charges $0.05 per minute for local calls and $0.12 per minute for long distance calls.Which expression gives the total cost in dollars

for x minutes of local calls and y minutes of long distance calls?

Answer: 0.05x + 0.12y

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To find the total cost in dollars for x minutes of local calls and y minutes of long-distance calls, we need to calculate the cost for each type of call individually and then add them together.

The cost for x minutes of local calls can be calculated by multiplying the cost per minute for local calls ($0.05) by the number of minutes (x):

Cost of local calls = 0.05 * x

Similarly, the cost for y minutes of long-distance calls can be calculated by multiplying the cost per minute for long-distance calls ($0.12) by the number of minutes (y):

Cost of long-distance calls = 0.12 * y

Finally, to find the total cost, we need to add the cost of local calls and the cost of long-distance calls:

Total Cost = Cost of local calls + Cost of long-distance calls
= (0.05 * x) + (0.12 * y)

Therefore, the expression that gives the total cost in dollars for x minutes of local calls and y minutes of long-distance calls is:

Total Cost = (0.05 * x) + (0.12 * y)