pat had a birthday on jan. 11 2012. he is 6 years older than his sister. his sister was born on january 23, 2008. how old is pat?

is it 10?

or is it 11

please answer

hard to say. If we assume today's date, then they have both had birthdays this year

sister is now 5
So, Pat is 5+6 = 11

yea that's whats confusing me well thank you

To determine the age of Pat, we need to find the difference in years between his birthday (January 11, 2012) and his sister's birthday (January 23, 2008).

First, we calculate the number of years between these two dates.
- Pat's birthdate: January 11, 2012
- Sister's birthdate: January 23, 2008

To find the difference in years, we subtract the year of the sister's birth from the year of Pat's birth:
2012 - 2008 = 4

This calculation tells us that there is a 4-year age gap between Pat and his sister.

Next, we add the 6 years that Pat is older than his sister:
4 + 6 = 10

Thus, Pat is indeed 10 years old.