transactional analysis is based on the work of?

a.eric berne
b.john bowlby
c.christy brown
d. sulla wolf
my answer is a

Your answer is correct. Transactional analysis is indeed based on the work of Eric Berne. Now, let me explain how you can arrive at this answer.

To find out who transactional analysis is based on, you can start by breaking down the term itself. "Transactional" refers to the interactions or transactions that take place between individuals, while "analysis" refers to the study or examination of these transactions. By combining these two terms, we get "transactional analysis," which is a theory that examines and analyzes human interactions.

To identify the person behind this theory, we need to search for notable individuals associated with transactional analysis. You can use search engines like Google or refer to reliable sources such as books, articles, or academic databases.

When you search for transactional analysis, you will come across Eric Berne, who is widely recognized as the founder of this theory. Eric Berne was a Canadian-born psychiatrist and author who introduced transactional analysis through his influential book "Games People Play" published in 1964. He developed this theory to understand and improve communication, relationships, and personal growth.

Therefore, based on the research, it is evident that transactional analysis is primarily based on the work of Eric Berne, making option a, Eric Berne, the correct answer.