the medical approach to dealing with childrens problems focuses on ? background
b.symptoms strategy influences
d.psychometric assessments

my answer is b

I agree.

b. was suppose to be symptoms of illness .

do u think that is still right


The medical approach to dealing with children's problems focuses on a combination of factors, including family background, symptoms strategy, social influences, and psychometric assessments. However, if you believe that the correct answer is option b, symptoms strategy, let's break down each option to understand why it may or may not be correct:

a. Family background: This refers to understanding a child's family dynamics, their home environment, and any potential genetic or familial factors that may contribute to their problems. While this is an essential aspect of the medical approach, it is not the sole focus.

b. Symptoms strategy: This option suggests that the medical approach to dealing with children's problems primarily focuses on developing strategies based on their symptoms. While symptom management is an important part of the medical approach, it is not the only aspect that is considered.

c. Social influences: This refers to examining how a child's social environment, such as peers, school, or community, may impact their problems. Understanding social influences is indeed a significant part of the medical approach when dealing with children's problems.

d. Psychometric assessments: These assessments involve evaluating a child's cognitive abilities, emotional functioning, and behavioral patterns. Conducting psychometric assessments is essential in diagnosing and understanding a child's problems accurately.

Based on the given options, it can be argued that option c, social influences, and option d, psychometric assessments, are also important aspects of the medical approach. However, if you strongly believe that option b, symptoms strategy, is the correct answer, it is important to note that the medical approach encompasses more than just symptom management.