Which abstract function(s) should be used to design:

A function that consumes a non empty list of images and produces the image with the smallest area.

If the function passed to the built-in abstract function is a closure, check the "use a closure" option.

Note: your solution should not use the function sort.

use a closure

To design a function that consumes a non-empty list of images and produces the image with the smallest area, we can use the following abstract function:


The foldr function allows us to apply a binary function to elements in a list from right to left, accumulating a result. In this case, we can use foldr with a binary function that compares the areas of two images and returns the image with the smaller area. This function will be applied to each pair of images in the list, comparing their areas until we find the image with the smallest area.

Here is the step-by-step process to implement this solution using foldr:

1. Define a binary function that takes two images as input and returns the image with the smaller area. Let's call this function "smallerAreaImage". We can use the "area" attribute of each image to compare their areas and return the image with the smallest area.

2. Start with the first image in the list as the initial value for the foldr function.

3. Use foldr with the "smallerAreaImage" function and the list of images as arguments. This will apply the "smallerAreaImage" function to pairs of images, comparing their areas and returning the image with the smaller area.

4. The result of the foldr function will be the image with the smallest area.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

def smallerAreaImage(image1, image2):
if image1.area < image2.area:
return image1
return image2

def smallestAreaImage(images):
return foldr(smallerAreaImage, images[0], images[1:])

# Usage example:
images = [image1, image2, image3, ...] # non-empty list of images
smallest_image = smallestAreaImage(images)

Note: If the language you are using does not have a built-in foldr function, you can implement it yourself using a loop or recursion.