psychological theories see childrens behaviour as primarily?

a.goal oriented
emotion triggered
d. constant

my answer is c

What theories and what ages are you talking about?

psychological theories about children emphasise much more the necessity of explaining behaviour rather than labelling or judging it .

psychological therories of development stress the goal-related character of childrens behaviour.behaviour is always directed towards achieving something

To determine the correct answer, we will need to rely on knowledge of psychological theories about children's behavior. Psychological theories differ in their perspectives on this topic.

a. Goal-oriented: Some psychological theories view children's behavior as primarily goal-oriented. These theories suggest that children's actions are driven by a desire to achieve certain outcomes or fulfill specific needs.

b. Instinctive: Other psychological theories emphasize the role of instincts in children's behavior. These theories propose that certain behaviors are innate and instinctive, meaning they are genetically programmed and do not require conscious decision-making or emotional triggers.

c. Emotion-triggered: Your choice is an option that some psychological theories support. They suggest that emotions play a significant role in shaping children's behavior. For example, children may act based on their emotional state or in response to specific emotional triggers.

d. Constant: The option "constant" doesn't align well with established psychological theories focused on children's behavior. Children's behavior typically evolves and changes as they grow and develop.

Given the available options, the most fitting answer in terms of widely accepted psychological theories is c. Emotion-triggered. However, it is important to note that different theories may emphasize different factors and perspectives on children's behavior.