Which of the following diets provides approximately 18% of the total Calories (kcal) from fat?


To determine which of the diets provides approximately 18% of the total calories from fat, you will need to know the nutrition information for each diet option. Look for the amount of fat in grams and the total number of calories for each diet.

Once you have these values, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the total number of calories from fat:
- Multiply the grams of fat in each diet option by 9 since fat provides 9 calories per gram.

2. Calculate the total number of calories in each diet:
- Use the total number of calories provided for each diet option.

3. Calculate the percentage of calories from fat:
- Divide the total calories from fat calculated in step 1 by the total calories calculated in step 2.
- Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Compare the calculated percentage of calories from fat for each diet option to determine which one is closest to approximately 18%.

Remember that for each diet option, you will need the amount of fat in grams and the total number of calories in order to perform the calculations accurately.