According to the HIPAA Security Rule, organizations must:

are there choices here? The Security Rule covers many things.

A. establish policies and procedures that allow access to electronic, secure data on a need-to-know basis.

B. perform background checks on employees that may handle electronic, secure data.

C. designate a liaison between HIPAA officials and the organizations.

D. retain the services of an IT manager to design HIPAA-approved software.

To understand the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule, you can refer directly to the official documentation provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Here's how you can access the HIPAA Security Rule and find the specific organizational requirements:

1. Visit the official HHS website: Start by going to the website of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The web address is

2. Navigate to the HIPAA Security Rule: On the HHS website, in the search bar located at the top of the page, type "HIPAA Security Rule" and press enter. The search results should provide a link specifically related to the HIPAA Security Rule.

3. Read the Security Rule summary: Once you're on the HIPAA Security Rule page, you'll find an overview or summary of the rule. This section provides high-level information about the requirements imposed on covered entities.

4. Locate the "Organizational Requirements" section: Within the HIPAA Security Rule, there should be a section specifically dedicated to organizational requirements. Look for headings or subheadings that mention "organizational requirements," "covered entities," or similar phrases.

5. Review the details: Within the organizational requirements section, you'll find detailed information about what the HIPAA Security Rule requires from organizations. This may include provisions related to risk management, workforce security, security training, incident response, and more.

It is important to note that the specific requirements can vary depending on factors such as the size and type of organization, as well as the kind of protected health information (PHI) being handled. Thus, to fully understand the requirements that apply to your organization, it is recommended to carefully review the relevant sections of the HIPAA Security Rule documentation and consult with legal and compliance professionals.