Convert 57/9 to a whole or mixed number.

Divide 57 by 9 to get

6 with remainder of 3
(check: 9*6=54, 54+3=57)

So the mixed number is
6 3/9 = 6 1/3


You're welcome!

Well as I see as a whole number wouldnt it be 6

Im sorry but Im quite confused. This didnt really help me much.

To convert the fraction 57/9 to a whole or mixed number, you need to divide the numerator (57) by the denominator (9).

57 divided by 9 equals 6 with a remainder of 3.

Since the remainder is 3, the answer can be written as a mixed number, which consists of a whole number part and a fraction part. The whole number is the quotient (6), and the fraction part is the remainder (3) over the original denominator (9).

Therefore, 57/9 can be expressed as the mixed number 6 3/9. However, to simplify the fraction part, we can reduce it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 3.

Dividing 3 by 3 gives 1, and dividing 9 by 3 gives 3.

So the simplified fraction part is 1/3.

Hence, the final answer is 6 1/3.