Are adventure, revenge, Heroism and prejudice all human conditions?


Ok so I have to do a comparative essay on a book and a film (I chose The Hobbit) .This is a comparison essay exploring to what degree an inherent film is discussed and how it relates to an aspect of the human condition. So my theme is revenge and the arguments are race, heroism and adventure. I don't know how to put this in my to make a thesis out of this, since it is a comparative essay

1) Do u think this will be good for my essay? Im doing in my body paragraph how should i compare it to my book (THe Hobbit) and movie (THe Hobbit)?

2) Can you help me make a sophisticated thesis out of this info: my theme is revenge and the arguments are race, heroism and adventure

3) Lastly, am i on the right track Ms. Do u think my essay will be right for human condition. Will I be able to have a really nice essay with this information?

Please help me I am taking Grade 12 Uni English in Summer school...

Your help will be very much appreciated Ms.Sue

Thanks alot.

I've referred your post to Writeacher who is much more experienced with 12th grade English than I am. She's busy now, but will try to help you within a few hours.

Adventure, revenge, heroism, and prejudice are indeed human conditions. They reflect various aspects of human nature, behaviors, and attitudes. To understand why these conditions are human in nature, let's break it down:

1. Adventure: Adventure is the desire for excitement, novelty, and exploration. Humans possess a natural curiosity and an inherent need for new experiences. This condition often arises from our innate sense of curiosity and our desire to push boundaries, discover the unknown, and seek out novel experiences.

2. Revenge: Revenge is the act of seeking retaliation or retribution for a perceived wrong. It arises from our emotions, particularly anger and a desire for justice. Humans have a strong sense of fairness and when we feel we have been wronged, revenge can be a natural response. However, it's important to note that revenge is not always a positive or productive human condition.

3. Heroism: Heroism refers to acts of bravery, selflessness, and courage that go beyond normal expectations. It arises from our values and our belief in doing what is morally right. Humans have a capacity for empathy and compassion, enabling us to take heroic actions to help others in times of need.

4. Prejudice: Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes towards individuals or groups, often based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other characteristics. Prejudice arises from various factors, including upbringing, socialization, cultural biases, and lack of understanding. Unfortunately, prejudice is a negative human condition that can result in discrimination and injustice.

Understanding these human conditions can be achieved through various means, including studying psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Reading books, conducting research, and engaging in discussions with others can also provide valuable insights into the complexities of these human conditions.