Express 2.4 as a fraction in its simplest form

2 4/10 = 2 2/5

To express a decimal as a fraction in its simplest form, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the decimal as the numerator of the fraction.
In this case, the decimal is 2.4.

Step 2: Determine the denominator of the fraction.
To do this, count the number of decimal places in the decimal. In 2.4, there is one decimal place.

Step 3: Write the denominator as a power of 10, with the same number of zeroes as there are decimal places.
Since there is one decimal place, the denominator is 10.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction, if possible.
To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF). In this case, there are no common factors greater than 1, so the fraction is already simplified.

Putting it all together, 2.4 in its simplest fraction form is 2/1, which is equivalent to just 2.

express as a fraction in its simplest form 1) 2.4 %